Why You Shouldn’t go With a Traditional Business Card Company
If in the market for new logos and/or business cards, it can be tempting to go to specialty print shops like Vista or your local office store, but this can be a mistake. The do it yourself approach can save money, but it can also lose customers if your business cards have an amateur look to them, which can result in more dollars lost than it would take to go to a professional graphic designer.
A traditional business card company can take down all your pertinent info and put it onto a card, but only a professional graphic designer can design and improve upon your logos and create a stunning piece of art that fits on a card.
As the markets and industries change, so does the graphic design/business card company. They are trained to use the latest tools and techniques, as well as listen to the needs of the client. These professionals can do everything from incorporating logos to recommending elegant effects like engraving, embossing, lamination, etc. A great business card company can also print mock-ups and even your entire order in house.
It is important to remember that your logos and business cards are a mini portfolio of your work so let your brand and message impress those potential business clients. And if you need help designing your logos or are in need of a professional graphic design and business card company, contact us today to see how our designers can create an amazing business card for you.